
Often proteomes contain annotated isoforms. While in general this is a good thing, is some cases that might cause problems (e.g. when estimating the quality of a proteome with DOGMA ( In such cases it is a common approach to only keep the longest isoform of a protein and remove the others from the set. Unfortunately, there is no general agreement on how to mark isoforms. However, this program tries to handle the most common ways.

Graphical representation of the program


General options

The general options influence the general behaviour of isoformCleaner:

-h, --help

Prints a simple help message with a small description of all the available options.

-i <FILE>, --in

The sequence file to filter. The format should be FASTA format.

-o <FILE>, --out <FILE>

The output file. If none is provided, the sequences will be printet to the console.

-s <CHAR>, --split-char <CHAR>

The split character to use. (default: ‘-‘). Using a split character is the default option. If you use any other available cleaning option, this one will be turned off. If no split character is found in the name, a warning message is displayed and the sequence will be kept in the output.


List the number of sequences in the input, the output and difference between the two.

GFF options

The GFF options allows you to provide a GFF file. The structure of the GFF file needs to follow the offical format. It requires entries for at least 3 levels (gene, mRNA and CDS). Given that in my experience naming those three levels might sometimes defer from this, you can change the naming using the level options. Upper- and lowercase doesn’t matter.

I strongly recommend that the protein file was generated using the GFF file as I experienced often enougth that otherwise downloaded files don’t agree with each other.

-g <FILE>, --gffFILE <FILE>

The gff file that will be used to identify isoforms.

--level1 <AEG>

Top level type (default: ‘gene’)

--level2 <AEG>

Middle level type (default: ‘mRNA’)

--level3 <AEG>

Low level type (default: ‘CDS’)

Regex options

Regular expressions can help to identify the gene name inside the fasta header of a file.

-r <ARG>, --regular <ARG>

A regular expression that determines the gene name of the isoform. For more information on the allowed C++ regular expression have a look at the following website:

-n, --name

Search name only

-c, --comment

Search comment only

-p <ARG>, --preset <ARG>

Currently we have two presets that can be used to identify gene names. Preset regex: Can be either ‘flybase’ or ‘gene’

Simple Usage

If you have a fasta file with proteins which isoforms are marked by a name after a split character (e.g. name-RA, name-RB) one can use the split char option to identify the different isoforms.

File: proteome.fa

$ isoformCleaner -i proteome.fa -s '-'

In some cases a simple split character is not sufficient. In nthat case maybe a regular expression can help. For some cases we have predefined expressions:

File: regex.fa

>seq1 gene:1
>seq2 gene:1
$ isoformCleaner -i regex.fa -r "gene[:=]\\s*([\\S]+)[\\s]*"
>seq2 gene:1

# The regular expression above is already provided as a preset:
$ isoformCleaner -i regex.fa -p gene
>seq2 gene:1