
seqExtract is a program to extract sequences or subsequences from a given set. For large sequence files it has the option to build a index of a file for faster future access.

Graphical representation of the program


General options

The general options influence the general behaviour of seqExtract:

-h, --help

Prints a simple help message with a small description of all the available options.

-i <FILE>, --in <FILE>

The sequence file

-I, --index

An index file is used. If none exists it will be created. If -F is not set the extension of the provides sequence file will be removed and replaced with ‘.sei’.

-F <FILE>, --indexFile <FILE>

The index file to use. Will be created if it doesn’t exist yet.


If the sequence file is changed the index file will need to be deleted so that a new index file will be created. It will not be done automatically.

-l <FILE>, --inputList <FILE>

File containing input files

Output options

-o <FILE>, --out <FILE>

The output file

-a, --append

Appends the sequences to an existing file instead of overwriting it

-c, --remove-comments

Remove comments from output sequences


Keeps the order given in the extraction line

Extract options

Here are the different options listed which influence which sequences (or subsequences) are extracted from the whole data set.

-e <ARG> --extract <ARG>

The (sub)sequence(s) to extract from the sequence file. Providing only the sequence name will extract the whole sequence. But you can also provide coordinates. For example -e mySeq:1-10 will extract the first ten amino accids of the sequence with name “mySeq”. You can also mere several coodrinates together: -e mySeq:1-10,21-30 will create a sequence of length 20 which contains both sequence parts. -e mySeq:1-10 mySeq:21-30 on the other hand will create to seperate sequences.

-N <FILE>, --namesFile <FILE>

File with extraction lines to use.

-d <ARG>, --delim-extract <ARG>

The delimiter to use in the extraction file (default: Tab)

-C <ARG>, --column <ARG>

The column in the extraction file to use (default: 1)

-D <ARG>, --delim-pos  <ARG>

The delimiter to use to seperate name from positions (default: ‘:’). This might need to be changed if you sequence names contain a “:” already.

-r, --remove

Removes the sequences with names provided in “-e” instead of extracting them. Always the whole sequence is removed even if subsection are provided.

-n <ARG>, --numSeqs <ARG>

The number of random sequences to extract (default: 0)

-s <ARG>, --seed <ARG>

Seed for random extract function

-L <ARG>, --length <ARG>

Length based extraction. allowed values are ‘<NUM’, ‘>NUM’, ‘=NUM’. For example the code -L '>3' '<7' would extract all sequences with length 4-6

-m <ARG>, --ignore-missing <ARG>

Usually a warning message is shown if a sequence cannot be found. This can be disabled using this option.

Modifying options

These options modify the sequence that are extracted.

-t, --translate

Translate into amino acid

-T <ARG>, --table <ARG>

The translation table to use (default: standard)

-R, --revComp

Calculate the reverse complement