Domain annotation

To annotate sequences with domains, different programs and databases exist. Our programs mainly support Pfam domains. This section will give you a short overview on how to annoate your protein sequences with pfam domains. The standard program to annotate your proteome with pfam domains is which is provided by the Pfam database.


Preparing the database

This steps needs to be done only once when you downloaded a new version of the HMM Models from Pfam.

Downloaded the Pfam-A.hmm.gz and the Pfam-A.hmm.dat.gz file from the Pfam release you want to use: Then, you will need to run the following commands to create a database that is usable by

# unzip the downloaded files
gunzip Pfam-A.hmm.gz
gunzip Pfam-A.hmm.dat.gz

# use hmmpress from the HMMER suite to prepare the databse for hmmscan
hmmpress Pfam-A.hmm

These steps will create some additional files.


For to work properly you will need to:

  1. Have the HMMER binaries in your PATH variable for example by manipulating PATH

export PATH=<path to directory containing HMMER executables>:$PATH
  1. Set the PERL5LIB variable to include the directory

export PERL5LIB=<path to PfamScan directory>:$PERL5LIB

You can then call -fasta <sequence file> -dir <directory containing the hmm files> -outfile <output file>